Show/Hide Columns based on filters

This is a long shot, but is there any way to show (or hide) columns in a table based on the filter the user defines?

For example, if I have 30 columns, but choose only to display First Name, Last Name, and Email (although all 30 columns can be filtered, I've just hidden them).

Let's say a user needs to know how many records have a phone number. Once the filter is applied, they can't see the phone number column in the table, they can only see the number of records who meet that criteria.

I'm asking because we have soooo many columns and I don't want to display them all. I know how to hide them and make sure they can still be used as filters, that means the results are quite lacking. The user has to export to Excel to make any sense of the data, when they may simply only need a list of phone numbers.


385571707872, that's neat, thanks for sharing! At this point, the client is happy and the site is live so I don't think I will play with it too much. But I'm bookmarking your post for future reference as I could see that coming in very handy. Thanks again!

Hi !

Have a look at my post. It may help you a bit.



In your case, the best solution is to use a Search List, with many filter options and only shows the columns that you want.

Using this option, you can also create buttons with target to this search list that send parameters so that the user does not have to fill filters manually.