Preventing Duplicates (Uniqueness) on Combined Fields in an Object

hey Norm, thanks for noticing my need and replying here.
I did watch your video on _uvc and considered it for my context. In the end I used the JS template + Make scenario that Julian Kirkness posted in May 2020. The reason that fit my context the best is that my users (volunteers for events) must step through scenes one after the next, and the last scene is the one that tells them “you may enroll”, or “you’ve already enrolled for this event.”
So far , i.e., tonight, it works, so all is well.

Hi Jonathan

I just saw this - but assume you now have it working? Was there an issue with the JS - if s, I may be able to update the blog post…


Oh - just noticed I was logged into support with a different login …

Julian- not sure what the hangup was exactly, but my main theory is that my field was a select from radio button , whereas your example was select by drop-down. I didn’t have time to throw at it so I went for the tried-and-true Webhook to response that you made for us in 2020.