Modal Popup Customizations

Hi Odalis and anyone else who can help,

You've all been such a great help in the past... I'm wondering if you can please help me out again on a few CSS and Javascript issues.

#1 Cusotm Width for Modal Pop-up - Is there a way to target one particular modal pop-up and make it wider than the rest? I've been targeting all of them with the following but can't seem to find a way to just target one. {width:1140px;margin-left: -43%;}  

Another issue is that I have to set the margin manually and negative to make it centered.

#2 - Modal pop-up background click - I have users losing a lot for work because of an accidental click in the background of a modal pop-up. Is there any javascript to disable that "feature"?

#3 - Escape-to-close a modal pop-up - The most efficient way to close a modal pop-up would be with a quick tap of the Escape key.. Is there some Javascropt that can help with that?

Thank you!


Hi Jens - see

Works for us.

Should be modifiable to target some scenes and not others.

Hi there,

Did anyone find a good solution for this one?

#2 - Modal pop-up background click - I have users losing a lot for work because of an accidental click in the background of a modal pop-up. Is there any javascript to disable that "feature"?


I would also like to disable the Background Click that closes the modal, for specific modal scenes (not all of them).

Yes! I'm continually annoyed that I can't close modals with ESC.