Max/Min Dates in Formulas

Did you ever get the visuals? I had this set up and it suddenly quit working.

“Priority Support” took 4 days to get back with me when I encountered this about 10 days ago, but here’s what they said to do (I can confirm it worked):

There have been a few recent changes that have sometimes required an update to your field settings when pulling a most recent date but this is a very quick fix!

When you are finding the most recent date, you will want to make sure that you are following this new structure:

In the Child object add an Equation that is:
Equation type: Date
Date Type: Seconds
Result type: Numeric
equation [date field]

In the Parent object use the regular Min/Max function depending on what you need.

Then, in the Parent object add another Equation that converts the Number back to a Date:
Equation type: Date
Date type: seconds
Result Type: Date
equation [max], where Max is the function you used in the previous field.

If you make sure that you are following this structure, this should resolve for you and you should now see your correct dates.


Do you still need this? I will find them if you do.

This worked! Thank you Jeremy!