Here is a bit of code to change the text (display) value of all links on a page to the URL value

Here is a bit of code to change the text (display) value of all links on a page to the URL value.


// Fix Document URL on Receipts Page$(document).on(‘knack-view-render.view_809’, function (event, view, data) { $(‘#view_809 .field_436 .kn-detail-body a’).each (function(){
var docURL = ($(this).attr(“href”)); // get the URL
($(this).text (docURL)); // Set the text value to the URL Value

It iterates through each link, gets the URL value and sets the text (displayed) value to the URL value. (edited)
Could easily be adapted to do other things (like standardise the text value across all links, or add a CSS class to change visual aspects)