🚀 Dev Docs Have Moved!

The Developer Documentation is now in the new Developer Documentation tab :open_book:.

We’re reorganizing some of our documentation to better serve new Knack users.

What’s Changing?

:sparkles: This update introduces a reorganization of our documentation structure to better serve all Knack users.

  • Developer documentation has been moved to a dedicated Developer Documentation area.
  • This change separates builder-focused content from developer-specific documentation, creating a more intuitive experience for both audiences.
  • The main knowledge base now features an updated collection of guides we’re building for our new Next-Gen work :sparkles:.
  • The Developer Documentation area still provides a centralized location for all API details and technical implementation resources.

Why the Change?

:pushpin: This reorganization is part of our ongoing efforts to improve user experience and provide more targeted documentation based on specific needs.