Button Insertion

The code at the bottom of this message was working fine until the new builder release. The button does not appear anymore. I have tried changing to a scene based rendering – $(document).on('knack-scene-render.scene_613-- ', function(event, scene) { but still no luck.

Any help wourld be appreciated.

--------- Code not working below---------------
$(document).on(‘knack-view-render.view_1062’, function(event, view, data) {

$(’#view_1062 .view-header’).after(‘

Create SOW

//alert('listener for view: ’ + view.key);

// link hander: send to webmerge
$(’#webmerge’).click(function(event) {

Hi @Peter2

The problem is likely coming from another source because this code is running in another app:


To track down that problem, it would be hard without seeing the rest of your app and JavaScript. Is #webmerge a button ID you are targeting? Is that why you are calling event.preventDefault() —to prevent form submission?

Knack Pros