Access dropdown in view (Javascript)

I didn’t realise you could pass in filters as data. That’s good.

Say thank you to ChatGPT :slight_smile:

There was a problem with pagination.

This should work.

/**************************************************************************************** */
    Filtrerer ansatte i listen som dukker opp når du skal registrere nye påmelding K+

$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_235', async function(event, view, data) {
  const projectId = getProjectIdFromURL();

  if (!projectId) {
    console.error('Kunne ikke finne prosjekt-ID.');

  console.log('Prosjekt-ID funnet: ' + projectId);

  try {
    const orgLinkRecords = await getOrganisationLinks(projectId);
    if (orgLinkRecords.length > 0) {
      const employees = await getEmployeesForOrganisations(orgLinkRecords);
    } else {
      console.log('Ingen organisasjonskoblinger funnet for prosjektet.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('En feil oppsto:', error);

async function getOrganisationLinks(projectId) {
  const sceneId = 'scene_150';
  const viewId = 'view_252';
  const filters = {
    "match": "and",
    "rules": [{
      "field": "field_41",
      "operator": "is",
      "value": projectId

  const orgLinkRecords = await fetchRecords(sceneId, viewId, filters);
  return => record.field_42_raw[0].id);

async function fetchRecords(sceneId, viewId, filters, page = 1) {
  const userToken = Knack.getUserToken();
  const pageSize = 100;
  const apiUrl = `${sceneId}/views/${viewId}/records`;

  const response = await $.ajax({
    url: apiUrl,
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
      'Authorization': userToken,
      'X-Knack-Application-Id': Knack.application_id,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    data: {
      page: page,
      rows_per_page: pageSize,
      filters: JSON.stringify(filters)

  if (response.current_page < response.total_pages) {
    return response.records.concat(await fetchRecords(sceneId, viewId, filters, page + 1));
  } else {
    return response.records;

async function getEmployeesForOrganisations(orgIds) {
  const employees = [];
  for (const orgId of orgIds) {
    const sceneId = 'scene_150';
    const viewId = 'view_251';
    const filters = {
      "match": "and",
      "rules": [{
        "field": "field_48",
        "operator": "is",
        "value": orgId

    employees.push(...await fetchRecords(sceneId, viewId, filters));
  return employees;

function updateChosenDropdown(employees) {
  var $select = $('#view_235-field_72');

  if (employees.length > 0) {
    $select.append($('<option>').val('').text('Velg en ansatt'));
    employees.forEach(employee => {
      $select.append($('<option>').val(; // Bruker field_246 som inneholder fullt ansattnavn
  } else {
    $select.append($('<option>').text('Ingen ansatte funnet'));

  $select.trigger('liszt:updated'); // Bruker 'liszt:updated' som er korrekt for din Chosen-plugin

function getProjectIdFromURL() {
  const hash = window.location.hash;
  const match = hash.match(/view-kp-project-details\/([a-f0-9]+)/);
  return match ? match[1] : null;

1 Like

Ok good to know. Thank you.

I haven’t come across this yet so I appreciate the heads up.