Fair Scientific Guidelines

Does anyone know if the Knack platform conforms to the FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) guidelines for scientific data management to ensure that the data repository is compatible with data generated by R2I2 projects.

An interesting question. :raising_hand_man:- no idea.
Personally, I’d recommend reaching out to Knack support :woman_technologist:


Hi there! Welcome to the Knack community! :tada:

I’ve checked with the Knack team and unfortunately, Knack is not specifically designed for the type of highly specialized requirements of an R2I2 project. We have a gap in the availability of metadata after the data is removed.

However, many aspects of Knack and its functionality do meet the criteria discussed in the FAIR guidelines. In terms of interoperability, a REST API exists that fulfills the “use of standards” requirement. To support accessibility, our APIs return information in the commonly used JSON data format.

I hope this info helps! Thank you for asking. :slight_smile: